It didn't sound like a milk float, as I remember them. It sounded not too unlike our wind-up torch being frantically wound up before entering the attic. I suppose it was going uphill. It was a Smart car in case anyone's interested, black, and it looked okay. If I lived in a city I would consider one myself. Or maybe I'd only use public transport. I can't really say, and I'm probably relieved I don't have to choose.
On the news yesterday, it said that part of the London to South West train line would be electrified by 2015. Currently they run diesel locomotives. The advantage of electric locos is lightness, better acceleration, power, and speed, not to mention fewer emissions (providing the electricity is cleanly made). Presumably, the advantage of diesels, and the reason we've had them, is low capital (infrastructure) costs and those who own the diesels don't own the tracks which wear out faster with the heavier, punishing diesel locos, I don't know. But I do think electricity is the future secondary energy source. Hats off to that.
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