This morning two young women knock; it's usually solemn suited men. They don't stay to chat - that's remarkable in itself; they admire the astonishing view from my door, hand me the flysheet, tell me I'm welcome to attend a meeting if I want, at Easter!, and promptly leave.
I half want to ask them about global warming but I don't want to discuss Jesus as I know more about Jesus than I do about climate change. However, their good manners make me cautious and I've been conditioned to believe they only ever want to talk about Jesus, but I'm equally aware this might not be true. Are they allowed to talk beyond the safety of their gospels?
The younger one doesn't say anything - they often don't, and I feel sorry for her though I've no cause to do so. She looks trapped in the situation like a... well, like a witness - I never thought of it like that before - and she looks sideways and, her head tilted fractionally down, slightly upwards at her elder sister. It looks like shyness but could equally be deference to her superior, I don't know. One day she may be the one knocking, and talking about Jesus but this morning she is the witness and I wonder what it is she sees.
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